Randy posted about this a little. I thought I'd go a little deeper. This all started a few years ago when the three of us wanted to take a ride around the state. I've forgotten how it changed into a challenge, but that's exactly what it turned into. While checking into what you need to do for prepping yourself for a long ride we found this Iron Butt Association. It's not a punchline for a dirty joke...it's a loose association of serious goofballs who think it's fun to ride motorcycles day & night. On their website, they have various motorcycle riding challenges-all involving a bunch of seat time. The most basic is the Saddlesore 1000: the goal is to ride 1000 miles in a 24 hr period. We thought why not do a 1000 mile lap of South Dakota? So we did! It was fun and also grueling, at least for me it was. We finished and had a cool adventure to talk about. Randy ran out of gas due to the extreme headwind we were fighting. I took a direct hit to the helmet face by a bat (or some flying critter). And Pastor Les got the award for most miles by riding everything we did with some extra mileage to and from his home in Hermosa (and riding gravel on a Goldwing)!
This is another challenge of the Iron Butt Association: ride a course of your choosing to all 48 states in 10 days. So why do it? The fun of riding, seeing the country, and the satisfaction of a challenge met.
I don't know what is in store for us, there may be factors that prevent us from completing it, but an adventure will be had!
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Thanks for following and praying for us on this trip! Looking forward to sharing all the stories when we complete this journey.