Friday, June 5, 2015

3rd and 4th days

No posts just riding.  Rode until 4am so the third day we got a late start and about 8 pm the rain darkness and trucks chased us off the road.

Yesterday we started about 6 am and rod in the rain for three hours.  The sun burst through the clouds and we were entertained by the beautiful hills of Virginia Tennessee North Carolina and South Carolina.  We spent 4 hours circling Atlanta and went a total of 125 miles.  No the walls did not come down but there were three frustrated bikers.  We traveled until 3:30 am EDT and hit the hay right away after 1025 or so miles. 

About ready for another big day.  Pray we catch up and spend the night in Tulsa.

What a trip so far.  Great grace fantastic scenery and sore everything.

God alone is awesome!!!

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Thanks for following and praying for us on this trip! Looking forward to sharing all the stories when we complete this journey.