Day 1 Ride: 873 Miles

Day 1 of this trip will begin in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and end in Toledo, Ohio. In between these points will will stop in Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio.

1 comment:

  1. It is 5 am and we are about to get on the road (in about 8 hours) and head to our starting point in Sioux Falls South Dakota. Went to church last night and heard about seeking the Lord. I know my own heart is deceitful and desperately wicked and that my inner being of desires feelings and thoughts is often evil corrupt and selfish. I cannot change my heart. The only remedy for me is to experience God's grace and be born again through faith in Christ and receive a new heart--one that hates evil and delights in doing good. That has happened! So nothing makes me more ready to ride through all 48 states in this great country of America more than knowing the greatest freedom known to mankind--freedom from sin. What great liberty to be free from the eternal penalty of my sin because of God's grace! So it is with great peace during my devotional time today before we head out that I am seeking God and asking that He will somehow let me be a blessing to others when I am tired of traveling and may be a bit ouchy. What an exciting adventure to see the lower 48 in the next 10 days. Ready, prepared, excited and about to hit the road. Pray for us. Les


Thanks for following and praying for us on this trip! Looking forward to sharing all the stories when we complete this journey.